An Examination of Elements, The Void, and The One.

Of note - the Greek word
Chaos suggests a "yawning void". In some translations Chaos is not a deity particularly, but a beginning/void.Ovids theory is that the four basic elements (earth, air, fire, water) are the primary materials of the universe. Ovid's Chaos is not a gaping void, it is a crude and unformed mass of elements in strife from which an unnamed god or some other higher force from nature formed the order of the universe.

The Void

Not Anything-Not Nothing

No thing

That Which is without Attribute

The Clear Light

The absolute ( the void) is encountered very often in cosmologies as a state of pre-existence, of undifferentiated Godhead before Creation. Some quantum physicists are now believing that the universe was created by a "spark" which formed spontaneously from the absolute vacuum.The perception of awareness of nothingness is also a goal (or stage) of many magickal and meditative practices.
The Egyptians saw the Void as Nuit, the goddess in whose womb resides the universe. The void has sometimes been symbolized by the circle.

The One
Because It Is All Things At Once
That Which Is Without Attribute

Sometimes symbolized by the Swastika denoting the whirlwind of creation
Sometimes by the Point .

Omniscient - Having Infinite Awareness
Omnipotent- Possessing Unlimited Force
Omniscient - Unlimited in Creative Power
Omnipresent- In All Places at All Times
Omnifarious - Of All Varieties, Forms, or Kinds

(Be all and it will be the end all, state of mind - Euphoria....)

The One, is the First Being, The Everything, which in itself alone (all-one) can explain the world, life and humanity's place within it.

The ancient Chinese called it the Tao (way). The Hindus call it Atman-Brahman, who is told to be the whole world, yet spiritual in nature. Islam refers to the source and creator as "Allah". The Hebrews YHVH.


Everything on and surrounding our planet is very elemental. Myths, magick and all life draw upon elements as well. Especially if ones looks at the qualities all the elements contain for example :


The element of air is gaseous and has airy qualities. It is light, clear, dry, and dispersing.


This element is so subtle that we rarely think about it. It is equated to size or space.


Fire has the power of transformation and the ability of change. Its qualities are of heat, dryness, and upward movement.


Water is liquid, cool, and flows downward. It has no shape of its own.


Earth is substantial with qualities of hardness, firmness, heaviness, with slight downward movement.

Elements are
EVERYWHERE and always together in all things, in an infinite variety of proportions. Every element has a range of attributes, only some are evident in any particular situation. Having this variance in the number of possibilities allows for the enormous diversity of life.Consider this looking at the different climates and creatures, cultures, societies on our planet; how the climates elements have helped create the world in which they live and die in.The five elements are part of the dynamic dance of creation: they are constantly changing and interacting. A change in one will effect the other. Say if for example you had an amount of dirt (earth) which was dry and very dusty it would have qualities of Air about it. When the dirt becomes wet it obviously will be more heavy and contain the element of Water itself. When dried by the sun (Fire) it gains again its dry, dusty state as the moisture would travel upwards as it evaporated.. All elements are always in someplace in its cycle and one or more of these elements will be predominant.

Also of interest is that every element is present in the cell membrane, but the earth element predominates giving structure to the cell. The water element predominates in the cytoplasm, the liquid in the cell. The metabolic process regulating the cell are governed by the fire element. The air element predominates in the gases in the cell. The space occupied by the cell represents the ether element.


Magick to us to be put simply is conforming reality to one's will to bring about change in the material and spiritual world. This by no means covers it all but that is the rough answer we would give if asked. It is not only what you do though that defines magick, it is in it's essence the opposite side of the coin of Science. But each are vitally important and can sometimes be considered one and the same. If not they certainly compliment each other well. Magick is an art form and a skill. In the very most abstract sense it is a way of taking advantage of the relationships between Knowing (consciousness), Being (information) and Doing (energy).

We do not always cast circles to be honest but we will when we feel the need. Here is some basic information on how to cast a circle for magickal purposes.

Magickal rituals can be described in these three stages when taken in the context of it's simplest form -

1. The participant will enter an altered state
of consciousness.
2. He/she will participate and experience this other reality.
3. They will return to the material world, and normal consciousness.

As prep work for any ritual it is a good idea to purify yourself. This can be done by taking a cleansing bath or may involve gestures or simple prayers. Do whatever time allows you to do even if you can not take a shower sprinkling blessed water or water collected from a natural source ( i.e. ocean, lake, spring ect) upon yourself will suffice. One should also center themselves and free themselves from anything that will break their concentration or focus.

About and how to cast a circle

Basically the long and the short of casting a magickal circle is creating a sacred protected space where nothing can interfere with your work. It also keeps you magick contained so it can build up force and strength. To create a circle use an athame, or your finger and point to the ground at the north, move in a circle to the east, south, west and then return to the north. While you are doing this envision a light coming from the tip of your athame or your hand pronouncing the circle.

Calling (Evocation & Incantation)

Calling the Elements at the quarters is what follows the casting of the circle invite them to witness and aid you in your work.
Evocation is the calling forth of a spirit or elemental to visible
manifestation. Invocation refers to the summoning of an angle or god. It is also sometimes viewed as interactions with beings within ones self..

One must remember that all magical beings must be treated with dignity and respect. We are responsible for the magick we do and how we treat others. It upsets us greatly to think that these wonderful beings can get abused and mistreated.

One should start at the north inviting the spirits of the north and work their way back as before. With each calling personalize it with a visual, feeling or phrase that comes to you when you think of each element The .associated elementals listed below are the most commonly known ones or rather that are used as (gags) archetypes . However they are by no means the only elementals you can use or that might show up. This list is not at all complete But it makes a good starting point.. You automatically invite elementals when you call each direction. Okay, we think you get the idea. Here is some basic information on the listed elementals that you may find interesting...

Gnomes land of origin is Europe, other origins come from Scotland, where much of the Gnome lore in North America comes from. They are of the element of Earth. Gnomes are dwarf faeries who appear to be very elderly because they mature very early. They usually live somewhere in the area of a thousand years. Adult males, females and children alike all wear old-fashioned peasant costumes, and are kindhearted and good natured. They will always come to the aid of ill or frightened animals. Gnomes live among the intricate root systems of old oaks. I saw what I believe was one of their homes once with my husband, but I did not see the owner , they must not have been in.

Sylphs land of origin is Greece and Egypt, other origins are Ceremonial magick. They are also called Windsingers. They are of the element of air. They are very light in color and almost transparent one can just see them enough to know that they are there.

Salamanders come from the Middle East, other origins are ceremonial magick, China. they are of the Element of Fire. They look like the amphibians of the same name. They are viewed as very powerful beings who are aware of how valuable;e they are to magicians. Lots of pagans can see them in and around their candle flames and hearths when doing rituals that involve fire.

Undines land of Origin is Greece, they also come from Germany, Britain, Indonesia, the Middle East, and ceremonial magick. Other names they are known by are, Sea Guardians, Water Elementals, Water Watchtowers, Sea Sprites, Water Singers They are of the element of water. They look like tiny sea horses with human faces. Undines were first recorded in human folklore by the Greeks, who say that they would sea them frolicking in the Aegean Sea..



Associated elemental
















Okay now you are in your circle with your respected company.
After you have done your ritual, ground your energy dismiss the elementals and spirits to come and go as they please and open your circle.

Basically these are the components of ritual Magick:

1. Choose the timing of the Spell
2. Decide what you want to do and prepare the tools and materials needed
3. Purify yourself
4. Purify the working space (this can be done with the use of incense, water,and salt)
5. Create a sacred circle
6. Have an evocation/invocation
7. Perform the ritual observance
8. Raise and direct energy
9. Earth (ground) the residual power
10.Take some refreshment
11.Acknowledge your gods/ goddesses (optional)
12.Release (farewell) the elementals
13.Open the Circle..

We have relationships with all elementals.( We call upon them out of respect and awe, and ask for guidance and protection) : We call upon Elemental North to attend and observe our rites and aid us, for as we have body, substance and strength, we are kin.We call upon Elemental Air to attend and observe our rites and aid us for as we breath and think, we are kin. We call upon Elemental Fire to attend and observe our rites and to aid us, for as we consume life to live, we are kin.We call upon Elemental Water to attend and observe our rites and to aid us for as we feel you within our blood that beats our hearts, we are kin.

Four all purpose spells related to the elements :

The Earth Spell :

Collect the right herbs and place them into a bag and take to any wild place such as a wooded area or meadow. With your bare hands, make a hole by digging, and then pour the herbs into it. Visualize your need intensely. Cover the herbs with the soil. Then leave, all work required is done.

The Air Spell:

Collect the needed enchanted herbs and take them to a high place such as a mountain top, cliff, or on top of a hill. Make sure the area is clear of tall trees or buildings, and other hills. Hold the herbs in your hand and visualize your need, state it in words if you wish. Do this as you turn in each direction blowing a little of the herbs in each way. First go north, then east (repeat spell), turn south (repeat spell) turn west (repeat spell)... your all set.

The Fire Spell:

One method is carving runes or other magick symbols upon a stick and burning it. Or you can write your need or use runes on a piece of paper shaped like a triangle. While visualizing your need place the appropriate enchanted herbs in the center. Then grasp the paper and tighten it so it holds the herbs like a pouch of sorts.You can anoint it with oils if you wish to further strengthen the spell. build a fire in your fireplace or an outside pit. Throw the herb pouch into the fire. When it touches the flames and first begins to burn visualize your need..Do this until it has been burnt completely. It is done.

The Water Spell:

Go to a river, pond, lake, stream,well, or the seashore with the right collection of enchanted herbs. Hold them firmly in your hands while visualizing your need. With a sweeping motion, spread the herb upon the water. Your good.

For more information on magickal herbs and enchantment we recommend you check out the author
Scott Cunningham's book Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs.

Western conception of the Elements can be mostly attributed to Aristotle, however the ideas behind it can be traced back through Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian, Persian, and Assyrian traditions.

Elements can be associated with the most prominent natural cycles and phenomena which surround us. almost everyone feels some deep stirrings within them when they allow themselves to experience the living earth, or the ever-changing ocean, the gusting wind invigorates us, siting beside a blazing fire creates a resonance with a part of ourselves which is indeed "elemental". How could one not feel their disposition improve in a wondrous natural setting as overlooking a forest on a high mountainous cliff.

In traditional Western symbol systems the fifth element, Spirit, acts to transcend and unify the lower elements.Some see Spirit as the seed needed for the manifestation of the elements. In this way, spirit is information viewed as distinct from it's medium. For example, if one could remove all the physical characteristics of an object without removing the object itself, the spirit of the object would be all that remains.

Another opinion of Spirit is that it is an invisible something, which results mysteriously from the interaction of dead matter. The phrase : "the ghost in the machine" stems from this idea. The whole os more than the sum of the parts. Spirit in this view is the result of the equation 1+1+1+1=5. Spirit is synergenic.

As Akasha ( the fifth element of Hindu Sankhya philosophy), Spirit is synonymous with the sky, ether, or space. It is the substance upon which reality is impressed, similar to how images are projected upon film. Sometimes it is known as "the memory of nature" or "the permanent atom of the cosmos."

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