Natural Living
By: Jennifer H. Wright

This section is for those people who seek out natural ways and recognizing it's influence and power to transform our lives for the better. I would like to concentrate on mental, spiritual, and physical health.
I choose these three because to me all three are related, if one lacks then they all in some way become effected. Please keep in mind that if you really are ill and need treatment you should seek out a professional. Many of my tips may even help those whom are chronically ill but would work better with medical treatment to compliment your care.

Starting Your Day

One of my favorite television series is Anne Of Green Gables. What I love about her is her zest for life and her passion for living it. She has the ability to bring out the best in those around her. One of her philosophies is that each day is fresh with no mistakes in it. This is very true, and it offers hope to us to make the most of the moments ahead of us.

Before getting out of bed here are a few simple techniques that may help you:

When you wake up before moving or thinking of the demands of the day, take a moment to see how your body is feeling. How is your attitude? Ponder all levels of your being and your part in universal creation. Whatever difficulties or challenges that await you, they will be handled better if you start the day with a healthy loving attitude towards yourself. Be thankful for your blessings, and keep your heart open to experiencing the wonders that each day holds and the universe .

Rub your palms together and gently rub or hold them on your face. Feel energy and vitality flowing into your being.

Say hello to yourself in the mirror as a reminder that you respect and love yourself.

Visit the bathroom

Clean your teeth and flush them with a rinse.

Oil your skin

Take a hot or warm shower/bath. Use only warm water on your head.

Do some stretching exercises or yoga.
Follow this with meditation or quiet time.

Dress in fresh clean clothes.

Eat a healthy balanced breakfast.

If you do not have time to do all these things, do try to set up a working routine to be followed daily that works for and puts you in a positive mood..

Your Environment

Take a look around your surroundings? How do they make you feel?
Is the area around your computer less than tidy?
What about the rest of the house?

Our environment effects our disposition and also our health. By keeping this in mind one can with a little effort improve the quality of their lives just by simply doing a spring cleaning (regardless of season) and a few other easy things.

Adding house plants to the home is a great idea for uplifting spirits and moods.

Placing paintings and beautiful things around your home will add some enjoyment back into your life.

Try moving your rooms around or just the furniture. A change of pace and scenery can do wonders.

Light candles

Open curtains and shades

Play classical or other favored music

Step outside

Go for a walk or drive

The way I see it is people must first "believe" in the
possibility of anything.. If a person can visualize
themselves doing anything than that "anything" can be
come possible.
One must realize that there will be failures, we learn
more from our mistakes than our successes. It is more
rewarding to obtain a goal through trying.
People whom have skill can certainly help
point someone in the right direction just by listening
and helping that person to feel important.

We all must devote firstly in my opinion to "knowing"
ourselves. From this start one can not fail. I often
suggest to people who seem lost or need direction to
see where they have been. What is important to them?
Why? Writing for oneself as in an "autobiography" or
diary can be a great help. Sometimes we miss much of
our own lives because we are so busy living them.
Reflecting and meditating on "memories" and events
helps to center and release a person from barriers
they may not even known to exist or they were blind
The answers we find for ourselves always mean more
because we have discovered them. People need to learn
that the more we use any skill the better we get at it
and to trust their own judgement.

I will share with you some of my poetry one of my

XKnow Thy SelfX
By: Jennifer H. Wright

"What is important in this life,
If only for yourself is to know thy self."
- Love thy self,
trust thy self,
intrust yourself to others who are loving and giving.
Ah, yes I know Poverty,
I have lived most of my life in dispair and yet,
I have discovered the richest treasure from it all I
have gained is: "True Wisdom comes from within!"

I will throw this one in for good measure...:)

By: Jennifer H. Wright

Follow your heart,
Follow your dreams..
Escape your miseries and lead thy way to the calm and
Follow the night,
Follow the day..
Follow into the darkness,
And thy friend the light!
Let thy consciousness be thy guide..

Please enjoy these simple tips to improve the quality of your life. I will be adding to this section in the near future and shall keep you posted of updates.


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