Praised be Athene
By:Jennifer H. Wright

Praised you are to me Athene!
You whom comes to me in flight as I sleep in the night or in the day..
You whom comes to me with eight legs your colors black and red or yellow and black..
Sometimes you visit in dreams,
other times you arrive upon my waking.
You are also a fine golden snake most beautiful and enchanting.
You are my armor and my shield;
Your sharp tongue is my defense.
Your golden heart is my strength.
You are genuine affection and care embodied.
You are master of all skills useful.
You are a true friend, I love you dear Athene!

Hail Athene
By:Jennifer H. Wright

By the stars of all the great heavens combined,
We dedicate our service and our love to you!
Please help to guide us and influence us to victory!
You are beauty,
Hail Queen Athene!!
You are success,
Hail Queen Athene!!
You are practical,
Hail Queen Athene!!
You are forceful,
Hail Queen Athene!!
You are powerful,
Hail Queen Athene!!
You are might and triumph,
Hail Queen Athene!!
You are masterful,
Hail Queen Athene!!
You are Honor,
Hail, Hail, HAIL ATHENE!
Heavenly babe sprung forth from Wisdom and Zeus we adore you!
Aphrodite the Seductress, lover of all men.
By: Jennifer H. Wright

More fair than any maiden ever known,
More lovely and pretty than any other flower grown.
More sweeter and warming than any holy nectar,
Charming seductress, lover of all men.
Sacred you are to marriage, and you lie in all marriage beds!

To the loveliest wild thing, Artemis
By: Jennifer H. Wright

Artemis how shall I begin to describe your loveliness?
Your beauty attracts all spirits of nature and everything holy in between.
You are the fish in yonder river, and far off sea..
You are of the moon.
You are in all seasons.
You live for the cold and heated thrusts!
You are graceful as are your sacred deer,
All animals cherish you.
All life is enlightened by you!
Thou art Great Huntress of the bow and arrow as well as spear!
The chase keeps life flowing and changing as well as exciting and lively!
We all chase after you fair Artemis,
and wish to be your followers true!
may we all be so blessed to one day just catch a glimpse of you!
How heavenly divine it would be if you were to stay.
Artemis you are legend, myth and mystery.
Artemis, How we we adore thee!

For those whom love the same gods I do :
By: Jennifer H. Wright

For those whom love the same gods I do;
These words I am sending heed to you -
Forgive past wrongs, open new doors - find new worlds
to explore...
Go beyond the past - step into the Dawn
Embrace light and go "beyond"!

For those whom truly believe ;
I promise the songs I sing are for right and true,
I have no motif for which I would ever want to

I believe in good, I believe there is evil;
I embrace the light and explore the dark,
But true to my heart I stay!
I believe in individualism.
I believe in Free will.
I believe in Choice.
I believe in listening .
I believe in using my voice!
I believe in Justice and Retribution;
redistributing balance.
I believe in War and Peace.
I believe in Stragedy,
I believe in Defense..
I believe in times of silence,
I believe there is war and violence.
I believe in constructive chaos and that otherwise
I believe in decisions, but also in the hands of
Destiny and Fates.
I've made time to reach for the future by reaching for
it from our pasts.

I believe there are many powers, but only things you
give power to or believe in have full power over you.
This does not mean that powers you do not believe in
can not effect you in some way though.. so don't be
surprised to find opposition, be prepared!
Be brave, be true feed no fear that only exists to
make you scared.

This battle amongst godpeople to other godspeople, has
been an unending struggle...
WE seek out balance and justice, and equal rights for
all kinds for all creeds,
To have the right to have disbelief or oppose that
which doth not agree!
Everything we do is out of Necessity; all has sprung
from Need.
Everything requires energy, your energy you channel,
on energy you feed and are drained!

WE all carry within all our essential beings a part of
everything, and everything is a gift or a gift in
We see ourselves reflected and related in our gods or
the actions they have done;
There is more truth to this than fun and it is about
time that all know.
Open the gates to Creativity and let the visions flow!
Open your eyes and be aware to the messages that are

All holy flames are spirits of the divine. Either
themselves, or their creatures or their people or of
Every religion and myth has it's place and it's own
form of truth.
There is no such thing as absolute unless it contains
absolutely everything and nothing.
ie: with or without, to have and have not....
Thou whom is truly happy is he who is happy with what
he has and is ignorant of what he does not have.

Just as the laws have stated the more a world view
works the more valid it is so it is true with personal
WE all just have to find where we belong, and follow
our hearts and listen to our dreams.
As it has been said by Edgar Allan Poe "All that we
see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..."

Praised be all gods everywhere of all Kinds,
Blest be you all, and cursed be you cursed..
In all of you there is some truth and in this there is

Jennifer H. Wright

This Flame is my desire
By: Jennifer H. Wright

( sitting cross legged upon the floor)
I am looking up into my Olympian flame burning on the sacred altar..
I call out to Olympus in song:
"Hail Great and Mighty Olympus, how sacred thou art to me..."
"Praised be Olympus for all thee blesses, and all thee sets free!"
"Keepers of the keys, holders of the doors, Please grant me entrance to a new mystery to explore"
"Praised be you all"
" and blest be you blest"
" I love and cherish you all whom I adore!"
My focus is unbreakable in my deep meditation,
my spirit as smoke rises; just as the fire now burns from within me.

Every sensation I feel as if it were real. this space between our worlds.. is where my thoughts recieve inspiration and my songs recieve words.
I have celestial wings just as my lord and lady are birds.
I hear and understand the speech of these animals of many kinds...
I follow them and leave all else behind...

This is when I discover these simple truths that mold my being and secure my place in all realms as a poet whom had a warm heart that dared to follow it....

Basic Spell shell
By:Jennifer H. Wright
Okay, the next couple of selections I have placed together to give a general feel to what I have found to work for me. Experiment on your own and see what results you can achieve.

Going "Beyond"
By: Jennifer H. Wright

Opening doorways with candles is the easiest way it is true,
Carved into the molded wax are the planetary symbols for the desired forces/effects or for the beloved deities themselves.
If I feel the need or desire,
I will leave herb offerings pinched over the open fire.
Or I could leave a token or say a prayer.
Thus I have been instructed,
Hence I will do.

I see the ancient runes come to life from the past.
Oft towards the distance looking upwards towards the black and starry sky,
I recieve answers to all my questions that start with "Why?"

Deep thoughts travel far distances "beyond"
elsewhere that I have ever been.
What I once only saw from afar is now drawing closer as I approach the light...;
There I feel the warmth and radiance of all the gods,
I am home, I am free!

I feast on knowledge like fine wine as well as food.
The sacred pipe is passed from future to past in circles as the smoke fills the room.
it blends so sweetly with the smell of burning incense.

The ancient lyre is played as the pan pipes play their tune..
HarK! I hear the sound of cymbals and celebration!!!
Festivities get livelier as does the energy produced in the room..:

One bye one the participants enter the holy healing waters warmed by the sun..
They then are toweled then rolled in the earthly soil as cleansing rain blessed from above pours down upon them..
And so it has been written.. as it was once done....

They then all rest by the fire while it transforms them from within.
Thus it shall remain doing until the flame from within is rekindled again.

As the flames in my candles have been burned down and are ready, I send my spell with something like this -


I am a bridge and the wax is the seal,
Wrapped in this spell are energies that are real;
Release them into the winds to carry my magick to it's destination..(visualize your desire into the flame)
So mote it be.

I Extinguish the flame(s) from breath drawn from deep within my being....
I carry its "impression" to burn on still.
I hold the flame in my temple(body):
my own most personal sacred space.
I keep the lock and the key.
(The holy flame warms me and gives me peace.)

I then wait for the spell to take effect if it has not already.


Sometimes images/visions will follow. Other times physical manifestations will occur. ie: One time while possessed by Aphrodite she remarked about "A domino effect". My husband found a domino on the sidewalk the next day.

Another example would be when working with the rune X for gifts for and from the divine in my spellwork. It also stands for union and partnership. Any ways, I looked out my sunny window and saw the clouds change formation to form the rune X in multiple locations. It was really inspiring.

On one occasion recently I was thinking about Ares and his planetary symbol, his energies and powers and thoughts of that nature. Then I looked down at the ground and beneath me was a plastic, glow in the dark toy. It had a martian on it and he was holding a flag that read "MARS".

Don't ask me why these strange silly stuff happens... <smile>

To The Magnificent Hermes and his heavenly brother Apollo
By: Jennifer H. Wright

Hail to thee my masters,
Praise to you oh Lords!
When you are are around no realm is ever bored!
Ha ha!
Your amusements gives us all pleasure!
Hermes you are very swift and cunning!
When the females hear your coming they gather like
herds as they come running!
When you are with your brother Apollo the pleasure is
Thank you for sharing with me your magick and your
wisdoms that you have supplied.
From your gently guidance these arts shall be applied.
I am touched by your radiance and see the writing of
the rune X in the sky...
Praise to you oh wondrous brothers!

I shall never forget thee Lord Hermes,
for thou has taught me how to read and to use the
lords and ladies tools.
You came to me when I was but the fool and continue to
guide me as your magician.
Your words and humor amuse and enlighten and brighten my
So Hail to thee Lord Hermes of the winged feet, keeper
of the key.
And Hail to thee Also oh Great Apollo, your flame
burns on!

Blessings from Apollo
By:Jennifer H. Wright

Many Hails to you Apollo,
I have recieved your call..
You ask me to be your priestess,
I find this too tempting to resist!
You hail back to me;
You call me : "Sibyl" and ask me to be your Pythian priestess!
"Prophetess, sing your songs for me and love for all eternity!"
"Praise to your words, and Hail to all mankind!
I am here , you know where you may find me!
Come hither, and be my priests and prophets,
Come forth and heal in thy name!
Draw forth your weapons and your words, my muses love thee all!"
Praise to you Apollo, blessed be your name,
I will honor thee and never put your faith to shame.

Who Apollo is to Me
By: Jennifer H. Wright

Apollo to me is more than just divinity ;
He is love, light, healing and poetry.
He comes to me as Master, great teacher of many things.
Behind every poem I write, his words speak to me as I sing.
I live for his gentle guidance and support.
He treats me kindly as an older brother.
He respects all life and his father and mother.

Apollo, Apollo, call to me and I will follow.
Show me the way,
Take me to your "Eternal Light"!
You send me joy and keep my life bright!
I love thee oh' wondrous healer of all mankind
share with me your power and your words
Help give me the courage to help others learn your rites.
Guide me oh great lord with visions;
Keep me humble, share with me your grace..
I am a mere mortal set in her place
burned by your reflection as I admire your face!
I have tasted the forbidden fruit
And this burden for all eternity I must bare!
Cycling with me through every life and care.
Why must I suffer?
Oh how we all suffer send unto us Peace and Harmony!
Show us us a reason to live so we may die at rest.
He answers me not with words but with yet another test!

Dionysus Great god of Resurrection and rebirth I hail to thee!
By: Jennifer H. Wright

Dionysus Great god of Resurrection and rebirth I hail to thee!
Hail Oh' great divine son of Zeus and Semele.
Let us rejoice to your Great coming!
I feel you in the moon as I sleep sending me your madness!
Your sacred drink flows through my veins,
it sends me comfort and drives me insane!
"Come forth and share your holy wisdoms oh Great Lord!
Share to others what you have revealed to me!
Send them love, bliss and ecstasy..
Lead us all to your temptations
I pray you set us free!"

As my physical body has been left behind and my spirit is released,
I feel no fear as I enter the Great Light!
Master of all mysteries, you have given me the key!
In this vision I foresee ;
The lives I have lived and where I have been...
Bacchic mistresses of your mysteries shall always hold the wisdom that these truths that must always be carried.
Lover, mystic, oracle to undying love -
To Athanatos Eros I am married!
Keeper of vows and the burdens that it holds.
Great scholar in search of truth in history.
Thinker, I shall always remain a lover of philosophy..
These elements have helped to mold my being,
my eyes and heart no longer blind -
I believe what I am seeing.
Suffering in this life I may be, but it is only fleeting!
Each encounter, every meeting helps to set the stones in place..
Each life we live we must rediscover what has been erased!
To bring all of antiquity anew to be reborn!
Every birth enters a new age into a dawn in mourn!
So praise to you and yours and All that love thee Dionysus..
We all forever cherish you!

Light & Dark
By: Jennifer H. Wright

Light is of all fires, as is death,rebirth, and life.
Dark is of all shadows, and shades.
This is the vein of all existance we all travel.

Picture of O2kgoddess

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